Indonesia Bersih

Dukung gerakan kebersihan lingkungan, diri, pikiran, dan hati untuk masa depan Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Dapatkan inspirasi dari pengalaman pelanggan tentang kebersihan lingkungan dan diri.

Saya sangat terinspirasi oleh gerakan ini. Kebersihan adalah kunci untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik. Mari kita dukung bersama!

Rina Sari
A grassy outdoor area features a large inflatable movie screen with people sitting on blankets to watch an open-air film. In the foreground, three wooden trash bins are labeled for landfill, compostable, and recyclable waste, promoting waste separation and environmental awareness. The environment is surrounded by trees and a relaxed atmosphere is evident.
A grassy outdoor area features a large inflatable movie screen with people sitting on blankets to watch an open-air film. In the foreground, three wooden trash bins are labeled for landfill, compostable, and recyclable waste, promoting waste separation and environmental awareness. The environment is surrounded by trees and a relaxed atmosphere is evident.

Jakarta Utara

Gerakan ini sangat membantu meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya kebersihan. Saya merasa lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan dan diri sendiri setelah bergabung.

A group of people are actively participating in cleaning an outdoor area. Some are using brooms and shovels to clear debris and water from a pathway, while others work together to manage the surroundings. The scene is set against a backdrop of trees and a building, with bright sunlight highlighting the activity.
A group of people are actively participating in cleaning an outdoor area. Some are using brooms and shovels to clear debris and water from a pathway, while others work together to manage the surroundings. The scene is set against a backdrop of trees and a building, with bright sunlight highlighting the activity.
Budi Santoso

